3 Reasons I Love My Slow Cooker

It saves me money - I buy cheaper cuts of meat when they are discounted, and freeze them until I am ready to use them. It's just the best crock pot!

It saves me time - I can get dinner ready in the morning, set it to go and forget it - it stays warm until I'm ready to serve dinner.  

It save me stress - no panic when I get in the door to get 'something' on the dinner table!

Now when I walk in the door, in as long as it takes to prepare and cook the side dishes, a feast awaits - and the house is filled with heavenly aromas!

My parents best friends gave us our crock pot for a wedding present. At first, I only used it very occasionally to cook a large piece of meat.

As time went on I started experimenting with more cuts of meat, especially casseroles and stews. I found the crock pot produced a much better flavored, richer beef stew than my oven - especially when using the cheapest cuts of well trimmed meat!

Then I discovered tasty, cheap and easy bean dishes and recipes made with dried beans, such as red kidney beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, and lentils, and barley etc. (Cooked dried beans added to stews are a great way to add healthy ingredients and stretch out the number of servings you can get from the same quantity of meat - great for stretching the food budget!)

Be sure to check out my hamburger stretched spaghetti sauce recipe - it makes more than you would expect and it's healthier with the addition of the 'invisible once cooked magic ingredient' - red lentils!

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